The World Cup is now over but the Twilight Saga fever still continues on, especially when it's 3rd installment 'Eclipse' has just started showing on cinema. Twi-hard fan like me certainly would'nt miss watching it too - ya, watched it yesterday during lunch hour at Growball Cinema...alone but next to me was a young pregnant lady who was a lone ranger too so it was okay. The hall was not even half full but the audience were fun and everyone clapped when Bella admitted her love for Jacob and asked him to kiss her. So I guess most of them are on Team Jacob. And this time for this 3rd part - I'm on Team Jacob! And he is hotter than Edward..hehe (remember Jacob's corny lines?). And it's the best 'Twilight' film so far - it's more action-packed, cute but still a lil chessy and charmingly romantic. I still can't stand Kristen's acting though. There's some cool accessories featured in the film but I particularly liked these ones:
I'm on Team Jacob too!! i must say the 3rd installment of Twilight is waaayyy much better than the first two, dont u think? :)
pammie...i totally agree with you...yes! team jacob here we are:)
i dont know, i dont get the Twilight thing at all
I'm team Edward :)
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