Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hair Bangs

I hope to get a new hair style before the year ends that is I would like to have HAIR BANGS! The last time I had bangs was when I was like 5 to 8 years old then I started growing my front hair longer till today.

This is because I heart Zoeey Deschanel - she is such a classic beauty and oh I love her hair style. And so...I'm inspired to get bangs this year like Zoeey (see pics below), and don't you think this hair style will look pretty on me?? Anyways - I LOVE IT and I will get this look soon and I just can't wait till end of this month.

I just adore her - she has such a unique fashion sense, love her blue eyes and yes she can sing and has a group-duo called 'She & Him' - check out one of her cool music video 'In The Sun' which I liked and also you can check her out on tumblr - Zooey's Miscellany.

Wish me pretty..hehehe:P

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