Tuesday, April 22, 2008

SIE2008 Networking Luncheon & Press Conference (22 Apr 08)

Once again...which I have no choice but involved in another SIE function...we had the SIE2008 Networking Luncheon & Press Conference today held at the Grand Ballroom 1, Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort. One of my task (as usual) is to coordinate the seating plan for the VIPs and function room set-ups (boring actually cos I hate last minute preparations and changes made by some fickle minded people..urrghh)

Anyways, these are some of my nice, sweet and fun crazy colleagues (with Emilia, Jerry aka Papa Sweet, Yap and Stella (the greatest boss ever).

Since there is not enough seats for the SIE2008 Secretariat staffs at the Luncheon...five of us had our lunch at STAR's Tatu Restaurant. Sad and with regret to say that the food quality at Tatu is not attractive at all but pretty dissappointing. The interior decor is ok / not bad. I ordered grilled teriyaki chicken skewers...tasteless. Pity that the restaurant is half empty...am not surprise. Lucky for us...the bill charged to SIE account...kakaka.

Me and colleagues sempat berposing lagi...the guys control macho and we girls control ayu

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