Friday, July 11, 2008

My little Picasso

Took a one-day leave yesterday and spend some quality time with my little girl. We did finger painting which was truly fun. I noticed that she really loves playing with colours. You know simple art & craft activities like finger painting will nurture creativity while developing your child's motor skills. And I want my Carmen to be exposed as much as possible with arts and music. I was SO amazed to see that she at age only 2 years old really has the talent to paint...big talent actually and she loves every moment of it!

Here's some of her masterpieces which I consider abstract paintings (but of course with just a lil bit of help from her give each painting a title)

Title: Dream and Play by Carmen Jewel (10 July 2008)

Title: Hearts and Roses by Carmen Jewel (10 July 2008)

Title: Rainy Days by Carmen Jewel (10 July 2008 - because it rain heavily on this day)

We did another painting session on 13 July 2008, Sunday and here are two of my favourite finger paintings done by Carmen Jewel but of course again...with a lil guidance from me.

Title: Happy Thoughts by Carmen Jewel

Title: Flowers & Butterflies by Carmen Jewel

That's my little Picasso. One quote I like..."Creating colours is like making music; you create from an inspiration" I guess Carmen is inspired with painting after watching too much Barbie's Rapunzel "The artist in me".

Two videos I would like to share...about two young artists whom inspired me so much in being creative.


Anonymous said...

omg, donna--she's good!!!!!!!!! the colours and mood remind me of monet, et al. you're a rockin' mummy! :)

Anonymous said...

sorry, flo bah this (above comment is mine too) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi r you now? monet right...pretty from far away but up close it's a big mess...anyways...ya I was amazed myself seeing Carmen mixing the colours on her own...I just tell her what to and how to do it.

Jefferi Chang said...

wow... picasso and monet ya? you both has high taste for abstract art yeah even some kids random art.. hehe