Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reaching For The Stars

I'm SO looking forward to buy this book...which is about the Angkasawan's commitment and journey to achieve his ambition of becoming an astronaut left behind by his late younger brother, Sheikh Mustapha Shukor Al-Masrie or Ajil as known to friends and family, who went into coma and passed away after knocking into a pillar. In this book, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar or Amus as he is affectionately known to his family takes a step back for Ajil, it turns out, was the unsung hero who inspired his brother's success. I think I'm gonna HEART this book. More interesting details about the book here.

Words by Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor that inspires me:
"This is what my job is about, it's taking time to inspire the younger generation and change their attitudes, to believe in themselves. I always tell them that if I can do it, they can as well. I'm not someone special. If I can do it, you can too. This is why I'm trying to reach out to them"

"What the mind believes, the body can achieve" and if you really believe in yourself and work very hard, you will achieve your dream"

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar with his brothers (he was born 3rd of the five boys). Left & next to Dr Sheikh is the late Ajil.

To the ladies...Dr Sheikh reveals the truth (or denial..?) says "No! Romance is not on my list of priorities at this point of time"...keep waiting:P

His wish...that all parents read this book to their children before bedtime to make them realise that to reach a goal, you need to start with a single step. Mine led me to the stars!

Am off to the bookstores now!

Later from Mama Rock

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