Monday, June 30, 2008

Tuaran's Tamu Day

I liked going to the tamu (open air market / local bazaar) especially Tamparuli on every Wednesday and Tuaran on Sunday..but only whenever I have the time. But this time I wanna just blog about it...maybe share to the world how our tamu in Sabah actually looked like.

First stop (recommended) is to eat the famous 'Rojak' at Kedai Kopi Yung Siong. The soto ayam there is also well can see why b'cos the restaurant is always full of people, most of the time you have to wait till there's a table empty or even have to share a table with others.

A blind old man playing the least he's not begging for not doing nothing...he plays pretty good actually.

This is some kind of a traditional medicine called the Bunga Batu or Nanas Batu or Kembang Setahun which its more well known in the olden days. The benefits after you boil and drink it - it can cure diabetes, hypertension, gastric, constipation, kidney problems, even 'menguatkan tenaga batin' and etc.

I even manage to see for the 1st time a bomoh inserting a tiny needle called the 'Susuk' into one of these 40 something year old woman's forehead and see it disappear before my eyes....and after that overheard him giving some advise what to and what not to do. Somehow Interesting...but I'm not that surprise to know some women these days sanggup go through all these susuk thing, plastic surgery, botox etc in order to keep their husband.

People even sell chicken and other pet animals

Prayer tools?

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