Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I've been eating this Mee Halus Goreng for breakfast like...Oh no...everyday. It looks common but it tasted so good that I'm so addicted to it and I must have it for my breakfast...and again I'm still addicted to caffein (after trying to quit for a few weeks) that I can't resist drinking Neslo or Nestea (Nescafe + Milo or 3 in 1 Boh Tea) to keep myself awake and energise my system in the morning. I know this sounds very unhealthy especially having fried food for meals everyday so I seriously need self-discipline to control my diet....please mama! I'll try to eat healthy starting today...hopefully!

Ehem...another addiction - can't stop myself from buying ciplaks music cd and dvd movies. I consider it as one of my weakness..not that I do not support the slogan 'BELILAH YANG ORIGINAL' but ori copies are way too expensive.

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