Sunday, December 21, 2008

A wedding to look forward to....

My younger sister, Diane Chrissie will be getting married on 24 Dec (on my Bday). The wedding ceremony and reception will be held at my kampung home in Kg. Rani, Tenghilan. She grew up there with my grandparents.

My aunt from the States would be coming home, so are my cousins Sherwin, his wife Liz and their daughter Nicole. Carmen will have a new friend soon. I'm excited to meet them and I'm sure we'll be having / playing lots of music around the house this coming week.

I'm so happy for my baby sister....and our family is extending, which is great!

About the picture...Chrissie and her husband-to-be Joseph dressed in the Dusun Tindal Costume...I just loved that costume!

Something about the Dusun Tindal:
One of the 40 ethnic groups under the Kadazandusun umbrella is the Dusun Tindal of Kota Belud. The people, mostly farmers, are concentrated on the Tampasuk area. In the olden days they were an animistic people. Nowadays they are monotheist and live very much in the mainstream of society. Their costume may well be one of the most colourful types among the Kadazandusun people. The blouse for this costume is long-sleeved while the skirt length is just below the knee. The blouse’s sleeves are slit from the elbow onwards. Although the base colour is black, it is intricately woven with colourful woven clothe. On the sleeves upward towards the shoulder red and yellow pattern cloth is sewn on. Two sashes are then placed across each other from the shoulder. Several silver coin belts are then placed around the waist up to the hip. This is followed by strings of beads. Over the neck are the silver pouches on chains and on the wrists are silver bangles. The men have similar costume except they wear trousers and the head dress, sigar. These costumes are precious to the Dusun Tindal and they will wear it only during special occasions like the Harvest Festival Celebrations and weddings. This Dusun Tindal bridal costume, along with the silver jewellery, weighs about 8kg and costs more than RM11,000.


Dolly MJ said...

Donna, happy birthday to you and debbie. And send my regards to your sister yang mau kawin tu. lawa o the costume!

josie said...

happy birthday to u Don...

Wishing You and your loved ones a merry xmas and happy new year...

Donna said...

Thanks Dolly & Josie. Merry X'mas!

Anonymous said...

hi donna! waaa didn't know diane got married until i saw your pictures. i'm sure i missed a lot of other things also :) anyway, just wanna wish you a happy new year in case i don't log in tomorrow... take care and keep writing mama rock!

Anonymous said...

ita...ya chrissie just got married. you can check some wedding photos from wendell in facebook. i'll post about it soon. wish you were around during this time...have a fun new year bash! miss and luv ya darling!