Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Made with love

Bought some cute accessories (with my fav color pink & green as theme colors) and made something sweet for my little girl cos I think of her most of the time and while at work, I just can't wait to be home to be with her (aiseh...I think most mamas out there felt the same way like I do). I hanged this lil cute thingy on my hand purse but unfortunately while strolling through the market in Tuaran the other day, I didn't realized afterwards that it was missing so I assume it dropped somewhere there and someone must have picked it up...shucks!

CJ will be 3 years old come this 12 May and I'm starting to plan what to do and what gift to buy her this time. Sometimes I noticed that she's a bit tomboyish but I hope/wish that she will turn out to be or grow up to be successfully fine, happy and full of life...and of course be proud of her!

Here are two videos of my Carmen that would always makes me giggle (sorry about the poor video quality). Both are taken when she's 2 years + and you know how curious a young toddler could be.

Mommy loves you CJ!

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