Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Painting with Carmen

Last weekend, I taught Carmen (CJ) how to paint. I found my very, very old poster colours (some harden) and before getting rid of them I thought I better put it to better use....let my CJ play with it. Her face and dress were all covered with paints. Perlie Jane, CJ's nanny joined us later on and guided her on how to use the paint brush. I planned to do some paintings using oil and acylic soon and start to use the rolls of canvas that a friend donated to me a few years ago. This is one of my resolution this year - DO MORE ARTS (as in crafts and paintings).

We'll be doing more paintings together's so much fun!

1 comment:

Deana E said...

quality time spent with your kids is awesome..can't wait to have mine.check out my blog