Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5 facts about me

I'm sharing here 5 secret facts about me (which may sound a lil silly, weird, unusual or anything you name it that can make you wanna say "so what?" or "whateva!") I do have lots of unimportant facts about me but I think 5 will do for now.....

1) I could be a little 'Obsessive Compulsive' at times (something like the 'Monica Geller' character in the comedy series 'Friends' - neat freak but still can be messy). I said 'a little' so that means I'm mild OC (HA!). I liked to see things being arranged in orderly manner, neat and clean but not necessary all the time. Sometimes I can be messy - I have too much things in my room but as long as they are piled up properly in one place and where I can easily finds them, so its okay. My brother used to tell me I'm not normal and I'm like Monica...hahaa..ya right.

2) Since I was a kid, I'm a collector of things aka 'Junk Collector' - I have a huge box of junks and I even keep them under my bed, from all kinds of notebooks, candy wrappers, fashion tags, stamps, stickers, paper bags and etc. I collect things that looks cool and interesting to keep. Who knows these stuffs could be valuable in 20 years time.

3) I used to own a pet turtle named 'Jet Li', a gift given by my then boyfriend and now my husband. It was fun and I thought of buying a turtle again....sometime this year perhaps.

4) Secretly witness the doctor and a few nurses did the C-Sect operation on me when I gave birth to CJ through the operation theater's lights (there's like a mirror surrounding it) cos they forgot to close the cloth over my face and I can't feel anything from the waist down. The operation lasted for 45 minutes and I kept saying 'God please be with me' cos I nearly passed out, could hardly breathe and of course scared. This is crazy...I appologize if this subject might effect you psycologically.

5) Likes eating bread spread with mayonaise and 'kaya' (westerners might think its ridiculous and probably disgusted cos Mayo is only meant for proper sandwiches and salad)

So that's it...whadya think about me now?

And what on earth is this lady doing here?

1 comment:

Dolly MJ said...

#2 - kita serupa. LOL