Friday, August 13, 2010

Breeding 'Tokay' Geckos

Sometime ago, my husband, Zorab learned about the medicinal purpose & financial value of the Tokay geckos...and he decided to hunt for them at our garage. He found a little Tokay but didn't manage to catch it. However, he did find their eggs and try if he can keep or breed them inside this container (of course he punched holes on it). It's been more than 3 weeks now but I still can't see them hatching anytime.

I read from my brother's blog about it recently...on how one can become wealthy by just selling them - 200gm - 300gm gecko can fetch up to RM8000 to RM100,000. But then again I heard it's financial value has gone down due to many suppliers in the market selling these tokays.

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