Friday, August 10, 2007

Picasso Wannabe

I am a huge fan of modern art especially abstract the paintings of Pablo Picasso and Wassily Kadinsky (not sure if I got his name right). I enjoyed visiting the Sabah Art Gallery during my singlehood days. I have not been there recently but I remembered clearly that there's a lot of great works by our local artiste. I was so inspired that I too jadi a Picasso wannabe..konon. I did a few paintings a few years or two got lost somewhere in the closet but I found my sketch book and I saw my so called art masterpieces....makes me want to start painting again. I admit am not really good in arts..but painting abstract is easy..cos you simply just paint like no meaning one..but of course you have to think of a title before or after that.

Children at Play (2005)

Tsunami 2004 (2005)

Have a nice weekend!


Jefferi Chang said...

i like the children at play art, but the feeling is sad especially the red color on the eyes. there are no smile on each of the kids.

Tsunami is nice too, the color selection and the brush stroke pattern not really show the tsunami event but i can see the people fear and the destruction you want to show in the painting.

nice but you have to try harder next time. ^___^

Donna said...

Thanks for the compliments/critics..seems like you are good in 'menilai-ing' an art...or maybe you are also good in art..or a painter yourself?

These two arts supposed to be in vertical position but when I upload the photos it became senget pulak..I blur2 how to fix it. The kids lips are painted in red actually and they are smiling and for the Tsunami, can you see the figure 100,000^ I painted in red symbolises blood and the 100,000 over people who died in that Tsunami.

Okay, I will try still learning. I paint for fun only☺