Thursday, August 20, 2009

Enjoy What You Do

To me, these words sounds magical. If you enjoy what you do, you'll get what you want or where you want to be. So true (well it all depends on his/her attitude)! Most of the time I want to or (at least) try to enjoy what I do (at work, at home, activities etc) and be thankful. And I should also be truthful to myself and the most important thing is that I still believe in my dreams.

I found a wonderful site of Carla Kay White ( I found Carla via decor8, my daily inspiration). It's about health, wealth, happiness, peace, dreams and many lovely inspirational words. One of her post I liked is on Listening to your Inner Voice.

Carla shares: 7 Habits to Listening to Your Inner Voice

1. Visualize your ideal lifestyle. A vision board is extremely powerful tool. You can write letters to yourself describing your ideal day. The more details the better. This lets the universe know what to bring into your life.

2. Give thanks daily. Having a Gratitude Journal can changed your life. Writing down everything you're grateful for is a message to the universe to bring more of it into your life.

3. Meditate as much as you can. Clearing the mind allows for new thoughts to come in. Even just a few minutes a day makes all the difference. Sit in silence, go for a walk, or just take a deep breath and repeat a mantra.

4. Give away the exact thing you want to receive.This might sound silly. How are you suppose to give away what you don’t have. The good news is that we all have plenty to offer. If you’re looking for a new job, help a friend with an introduction. If you want to lose weight, donate your Twinkies to the food panty and a few hours of your time to a community garden. Giving is the currency of the universe.

5. Take care of your health. You can change your diet and lost over 20lbs. It also can clear your head and calm your soul. Exercise daily, try to get plenty of rest, and take vitamins. Your physical body is the temple of your gift, so nurture and pamper it. A long, hot bath works too!

6. Be the real you as much as possible. As Carla wrote this: there is a girl sitting across from me in the coffee shop with a big pink flower in her hair. It’s a bold display of individuality and true spirit. Once you start letting your true self out, you’ll discover that life is far easier and far, far richer.

7. Go with the flow. Carla again wrote "Last spring I wasn’t selected for a very cool job. Of course I was crushed. But I just found out that role was made redundant, so I would have been out of a job anyway". Everything works out as it should. And the more I accept life rather than resist it, the more creativity and innovation blossom.

Illustration by Aimee Sicuro

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